The Modhera field is situated about 30 km southwest of Mehsana city in Gujarat.

The Baola field is situated about 36 km southwest of Ahmedabad city in Gujarat.

Bhaskar field, located about 60 km west of the Anand city in Cambay basin of Gujarat.

Hazira field is located about 25 km southwest of the Surat city in the Cambay basin of Gujarat.

Bhaskar-III is a discovered field in shallow water offshore, located 50 kms west of Okha city in Gujarat in Kutch basin

Bhaskar-II is a discovered field, located in transition and ultra-shallow-water area in Gulf of Khambhat, Cambay Basin.

This exploratory block is located south of Cambay town in Cambay Basin and has an area of around 472 sq. km.

This exploratory block is located south of Cambay town in Cambay Basin and contiguous to Prabhakar-I towards South, and has an area of around 362 sq. km.

This exploratory block is located West of Bharuch town in Cambay Basin and contiguous to Prabhakar-II towards South, and has an area of around 1234 sq. km.

Exploration & Production
SunPetro is an independent E & P Indian Company engaged in hydrocarbon Exploration, Development, and Production since 2014. SunPetro operates a total of Nine E & P assets including four producing, two development and three exploratory assets all with 100% participating interest. Company’s total E & P acreage holding is more than 3700 sq. kms in the state of Gujarat. The production potential from the four fields operated by the company is more than 10,000 BOEPD.
SunPetro has transformed three fields from dead assets (Baola, Modhera & Hazira) to producing assets and kept them alive for more than five years now. Bhaskar field acquired in 2018 by SunPetro was developed as Green field and was put on production in record time. SunPetro has successfully brought four fields under sustained economical production by complying with best HSE practices and started development activities in two more fields on a fast-track basis.
During a very short span of time, SunPetro has become one of the leading Oil & gas producing companies of India. Company’s total E & P acreage holding is more than 3700 sq. kms in the state of Gujarat. The production potential from the four fields operated by the Company is more than 10,000 BOEPD.