Hazira field is located about 25 km southwest of the Surat city in the Cambay basin of Gujarat. The total field area is 50 sq. km, which includes about 27 sq. km land area and about 23 sq. km offshore area in shallow waters of Arabian Sea. The field was awarded to the Joint Venture (‘JV’) of M/s NIKO and M/s GSPC under Small and marginal field bid round in 1994.
The Hazira field is an anticlinal structure where gas and oil are entrapped in multiple stacked reservoir sands of Miocene age. The gas and oil were produced for more than twenty-three years, from the year 1995, by the earlier Operator from a total of thirty six producer wells to the extent of originally estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of the field. Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of any field refers to the amount of oil and gas expected to be recovered by the end of its producing life.
The field was taken over for production operations by SunPetro from its earlier contractor, JV consortium (M/s NIKO and GSPC) in 2017 and is continuing oil & gas production since then.
SunPetro has implemented various new innovative techniques to increase and sustain production from this matured field. SunPetro has taken intensive maintenance & remedial measures to ensure integrity of assets and equipment to have safe & uninterrupted operations. SunPetro studied in detail the field behaviour and carried out successful well interventions by Chemical EOR, Surfactant injection, workover operations and also rigless workover operation in candidate onshore and offshore wells. An innovative, rigless workover operation was carried out in one of the offshore wells. As a result of these SunPetro is able to enhance field production by adding the new bypassed hydrocarbon zones into production. At present, SunPetro is producing around 55,000 scmd gas and 150 bopd production , which is more than what it was five years back.
SunPetro has obtained extension of contract period by ten years from the government and hopes to continue the production operations from the field till the end of contract period with the introduction of more innovative technologies.

Hazira Gallery