Bhaskar-II (CB/OSDSF/Gulf-A/2021) is a discovered field, located in transition and ultra-shallow-water area in Gulf of Khambhat, Cambay Basin. It was discovered by ONGC in 1992 in the well Gulf-A and later on appraised by M/s Hardy with drilling of two appraisal wells. The field could not be developed even after best efforts put by all past operators due to its very difficult logistics in the form of high current and tides. The field has very limited G & G data in the form of sparse 2D seismic data (about 73 line km ) and only three wells data.
The field was awarded to SunPetro in Sept, 2022, after it turned out as successful bidder in the DSF-III bid round of government of India for the award of discovered and small field for development and production. This discovery was idle for the past many years without development due to various issues. SunPetro is currently acquiring data for planning the development of this very challenging field. SunPetro as a RPO has completed Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry survey (FTG) covering the entire field area and currently carrying 3D seismic survey in very difficult and challenging area in shallow water and transition zone having very high currents and tides.