SunPetro is currently operating three oil & gas exploration assets with 100 % Participating Interest in Gujarat, namely, CB-OS-HP-2021/1, CB-OS-HP-2021/3 and CB-OS-HP-2021/2 renamed as Prabhakar-I, Prabhakar-III and Prabhakar-II respectively. The blocks have been awarded to SunPetro in year 2022, after it turned out as successful bidder in the OALP-VI and OALP VII bid round of government of India for the award of exploratory blocks under HELP bid round.
SunPetro as a Reasonable and a Prudent Operator (‘RPO’) has already completed Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry survey (FTG) covering entire exploratory area and currently carrying 3D seismic survey in very difficult and challenging area in shallow water and transition zone having very high currents and tides.
Prabhakar 1

Prabhakar II

Prabhakar III