Sun Petrochemicals Private Limited
8th, 9th, & 10th Floor, ATL Corporate Park, Saki Vihar Road, Powai, Mumbai-400072, Maharashtra, INDIA. CIN: U24219GJ1995PTC028519
Tel: (022)-69325300, Fax: +912269325300, Ext:5333
Email Id: [email protected]

Bhaskar II
Sun Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. (SunPetro) is the Operator of CB/OSDSF/GULFA/2021 located in offshore shallow water in the Cambay basin. The field CB/OSDSF/GULFA/2021 was awarded to Sun Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. (SunPetro) under DSF Bid Round-III and the Revenue Sharing Contract (RSC) of the field was signed on 09th September 2022. The area of the field is 72.96 This field has one discovery named Gulf-A. SunPetro is the operator with 100% Participating Interest (PI) in the field. Petroleum Mining Lease was granted on 09th September 2022 for a period of 20 years. SunPetro has renamed the field GULF-A as Bhaskar-II field.
This field, was awarded to SunPetro, is having total of three wells. Out of them, one well is oil discovery well named Gulf-3 and the other two wells are dry wells namely Paplet-1 and West Paplet-1. The well Gulf-3 has produced 1887 bbl/day of oil and 18841 m3 /day of gas through 3/8” bean.
FDP of Bhaskar II was submitted to DGH on 8th June 2023 and was approved on 1st Sept 2023.
Bhaskar III
Sun Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. (SunPetro) is the Operator of GK/OSDSF/GK28/2021 located in offshore shallow water in the Gujarat-Kutch basin. The field GK/OSDSF/GK28/2021 was awarded to Sun Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. (SunPetro) under DSF Bid Round-III. The Revenue Sharing Contract (RSC) of the field was signed on 09th September 2022. The area of the field is 1455.84 SunPetro is the operator with 100% Participating Interest (PI) in the field. Petroleum Mining Lease was granted on 09th September 2022 for a period of 20 years. SunPetro has renamed the field GK28 as Bhaskar-III field.
FDP of Bhaskar III was submitted to DGH on 4th Aug 2023 and was approved on 20th Feb 2024.
Prabhakar I
SunPetro was awarded the exploratory block CB-OSHP-2021/1 OALP Bid Round VI. The block is located in the transition zone and Onland area of Gulf of Khambhat, Cambay Basin. The revenue sharing contract was signed on 29th April 2022. and SunPetro has renamed the block as Prabhakar I. The PEL was granted from 15th March 2024 and will last for three years ending on 14th March 2027. The total contact area is 472.56 Sq Km and Sun Petro has 100% participating interest in the block. The block is covered with existing 2D seismic data of 242 LKM and 3D seismic data of 141 Sq. km. with 6 wells. The committed work program for 2D API (LKM) is 100 LKM and for 3D API (SKM) is 470 SKM and 10 exploratory wells.
Prabhakar II
SunPetro was awarded the exploratory block CB-OSHP-2021/3 OALP Bid Round VII. The block is located in the shallow water, Transition zone and Onland area of Gulf of Khambat, Cambay basin. The revenue sharing contract was signed on 28th June 2022. and SunPetro has renamed it as Prabhakar II. The PEL was granted from 10th August 2022 and will last for three years ending on 9th August 2026. The total contact area is 361.85 sq Km and SunPetro has 100% participating interest in the block. The block is covered with existing 2D Seismic data of 569 LKM. The interpretation based on available data and prospect maturation are in progress. The committed work program for 2D API (LKM) is 50 LKM and for 3D API (SKM) is 360 SKM and 7 exploratory wells.
Prabhakar III
SunPetro was awarded the exploratory block CB-OSHP-2021/3 OALP Bid Round VII. The block is located in the shallow water, Transition zone and Onland area of Gulf of Khambat, Cambay basin. The revenue sharing contract was signed on 28th June 2022. The PEL was granted from 10th August 2022 and will last for three years ending on 9th August 2026. SunPetro has renamed the block as Prabhakar III . The total contact area is 1234.42 sq Km and SunPetro has 100% participating interest in the block. The block is covered with existing 529 LKM of 2D Seismic data and 4 drilled wells only. 3D seismic acquisition started on Dec 2022 and continued till 15th May 2023 and acquired 70 Sq Km of 3D data. The committed work program for 2D API (LKM) is 200 LKM and for 3D API (SKM) is 1233 SKM with 20 exploratory wells.
Prabhakar IV
SunPetro was awarded the exploratory block GK-OSHP-2022/1 in OALP Bid Round VIII. and The Block is located in the shallow water area of Kutch basin. It is Category II basin. The revenue sharing contract was signed on 3rd January 2024. SunPetro has renamed the block as Prabhakar IV. The PEL was granted from 27th February 2024 and will last for three years ending on 26th February 2027. The total contact area is 765.54 sq Km and SunPetro has 100% participating interest in the block. The block area (500 sq km) is covered with existing 3D seismic data and 2D Seismic Lines of 409 LKM is also available on the same area. SunPetro has purchased raw seismic gather for reprocessing. The interpretation based on available data and prospect maturation are in progress. The committed work program for 2D API (LKM) is 7655.4LKM and 3D API (SKM) is 765.54 SKM.