We Progress with Power
SunPetro is currently operating nine Oil & Gas fields/ blocks, spread over in the Cambay and Kutch basin, in Gujarat for Exploration, Development and Production. Four fields under production were acquired from other Operators, who could not see much value in these fields. Two discovered fields were awarded to SunPetro for development and production in 2022, under the bid round DSF-III (Discovered Small Field – III). SunPetro was also awarded three exploratory fields in 2022 in the OALP VI and OALP VII rounds. Total acreage holding of the SunPetro is about 3700 sq km.
SunPetro has a highly experienced strong team of more than 100 Scientists, Engineers, Project Management and Finance experts having rich experience in full gamut of Oil & Gas business. The Team has excellent exposure to all E&P activities from Reservoir to Custody Transfer (R to C) and Concept to Commissioning (C to C) to deal with all types of Onshore / Offshore, Conventional & Unconventional oil / gas fields including deep water development and operations. The team is mix of Industry stalwarts and young enthusiastic technically competent engineers and scientists from premiere institutes.
SunPetro has a highly experienced strong team of more than 100 Scientists, Engineers, Project Management and Finance experts having rich experience in the full gamut of Oil & Gas business. The Team has excellent exposure to all E&P activities from Reservoir to Custody Transfer (R to C) and Concept to Commissioning (C to C) to deal with all types of Onshore/Offshore, Conventional & Unconventional oil/gas fields including deep water development and operations. The team is a mix of Industry stalwarts and young enthusiastic technically competent engineers and scientists from premiere institutes.
The Company is equipped with state-of-the-art interactive interpretation work centre (IIWC) at its Mumbai office for complete analysis of all available data, modelling and advanced interpretation of geology, geophysics, petrophysics, reservoir & production data with the leading software of the E&P industry for entire life cycle of oil and gas fields. IIWC enables the team to carry out in-depth evaluation of assets for acquisition, prospect evaluation for exploration blocks, planning & executing efficient development strategy and reservoir & production management. SunPetro is committed to adopt Good International Petroleum Industry Practices (GIPIP) and modern engineering practices in carrying out efficient, safe, prudent, environment friendly and sustainable petroleum operations.
SunPetro has transformed three fields from dead assets (Baola, Modhera & Hazira) to producing assets and kept them alive for more than five years now. Bhaskar field acquired in 2018 by SunPetro was developed as Green field and was put on production in record time. SunPetro has successfully brought four fields under sustained economical production by complying with best HSE practices and started development activities in two more fields on a fast-track basis.
SunPetro has implemented many, fit for purpose, innovative in-house developed techniques in all the four producing fields for successful, economic and environment friendly production operations. Patents for many of the techniques are under approval.

SunPetro takes pride for being the torchbearer of many inhouse innovations that have been first-of-their-kind in the Indian oil and gas industry. Ejector To Recover LP Gas By HP Gas, Dry Seal for Diverting Gas, Flare Seal Pot with Auto Level Setting, Hydro-cyclone, Gravity Chemical Injection, Surge Controller, NPSH Controller, Gravity Oily Water Separator, Cyclone Inside Separators, Piggable Wye for Pigging Connection, Mobile Test Separator and Gravel Pack for Unconsolidated Reservoir are to name few.
During a very short span of time, SunPetro has become one of the leading Oil & gas producing companies of India. Company’s total E&P acreage holding is more than 3700 sq. kms in the state of Gujarat. The production potential from the four fields operated by the Company is more than 10,000 BOEPD.